I am a passionate and qualified Counsellor based in Essex. I pride myself on being a warm, accepting and intuitive person. I retrained in my late 30s originally signing up for an accountancy course, but curiosity lead me to counselling and here I am more than several years later and it is an absolute privilege to do what I do. It has been an incredible journey and one that I could never regret as I have learnt so much about myself, the world around me and what is important for me. I often talked about wanting to be the shiny version of myself during my own personal therapy, discovering that actually I was there all along! So now I help and support people with their mental health, enabling them to become the best version of themselves and live a truly fulfilling life.
I work with a variety of clients from all walks of life, common issues we have faced are depression, self esteem, anxiety, relationships, gender and identity issues, bereavement, change and loss. My core training is in Person Centred Therapy, however I am also qualified in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and can incorporate this into therapy if needed. I strongly believe that each of us already knows what we need, but that somewhere along our path we have got distracted and lost. My aim is to create a safe and calm environment free from judgement and expectation which will allow you to reflect on and process your life journey so far. I will not give advice or tell you what to do, but I will listen and walk along beside you as you choose your next steps. As a member of the BACP, it is worth noting that I adhere to their good practice standards and follow their ethical framework, I have recently been accredited for demonstrating high standards within my practice. You can find out more about the BACP here. I have worked with MIND in Southend, in local schools, with individuals and families, young people and adults. I truly believe I have found my calling in life, I love my work and sharing this journey with my clients is an absolute honour!
Everyone is welcome here at Weller Wellbeing and I very much look forward to meeting you.